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Fabiano Schivardi is Professor of Economics and Vice-Rector for Research at Luiss as well as Research Fellow at the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF). He is an expert in industrial economics, work, productivity and business dynamics. He won the most prestigious individual European Grant, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) in the field of Social Science and Humanities, with the ISEProD project- Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence.
Andrea è un affermato leader accademico con circa 30 anni di esperienza.
La sua carriera è iniziata all’Università del Sussex (UK), dove si è affermato come studioso di rilievo internazionale (+10k citazioni), pubblicando in prestigiose riviste come Administrative Science Quarterly e Organization Science. Ha ricoperto incarichi in altre accademie internazionali in diversi paesi (Belgio, Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti e Vietnam) e nel mondo dell’industria – es. Gruppo Finmeccanica (ora Leonardo Company).
Come Rettore dell’Università Luiss, Andrea ha guidato iniziative trasformative che hanno portato l’istituzione ai vertici delle classifiche internazionali. Sotto la sua leadership, la Luiss ha raggiunto la Top 20 mondiale in Politics and International Studies (QS Ranking) e i suoi corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Management e Corporate Finance sono entrati nella Top 30 mondiale (FT Ranking). Andrea ha raddoppiato le collaborazioni internazionali, triplicato i programmi di doppia laurea e promosso iniziative educative innovative come il programma ACE (America China Europe) – un triplo BA in Business Administration.
Andrea è un visionario nell’innovazione educativa: ha introdotto il modello educativo ‘enquiry-based’, reclutato professori di prestigio internazionale – la core faculty Luiss ora include studiosi provenienti da oltre 20 paesi – ed attratto studenti e studentesse da più di 100 Paesi. Appassionato sostenitore di una formazione interdisciplinare, internazionale e innovativa, Andrea continua a ispirare e guidare iniziative che plasmano il futuro dell’accademia.
Chiara Criscuolo joined the OECD in 2009. She heads the Productivity and Business Dynamics Division in the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. Chiara’s work spans the fields of entrepreneurship, enterprise dynamics, productivity and policy evaluation and has played a leading role in advancing the use of firm level data and of microdata projects within the OECD. She has designed and coordinated large cross-country microdata projects on employment dynamics, productivity, as well as research and development (R&D).
Igor Filatotchev, Professor of Corporate Governance and Strategy at King’s College London and Vice Dean (International Relations) at King’s Business School. Before coming to King’s Business School in 2017, Igor Filatotchev he held various academic positions at Cass Business School, City University of London, Nottingham University Business School, Bradford University School of Management, and Birkbeck College (University of London). He earned his PhD in Economics from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Moscow). His research interests are focused on corporate governance effects on internationalization strategy, entrepreneurship development and strategic decisions. Current research programmes include analysis of resource and strategy roles of corporate governance; corporate governance life-cycle; a knowledge-based view on governance development in entrepreneurial firms and IPOs.
Maria Rita Testa joined Luiss University as Associate Professor in Demography in October 2020. She previously held positions at the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Senior Researcher), and the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Adjunct Professor). She has been Senior Fellow at the European University Institute, Fernand Braudel Program, Scientific Board Member of the European Doctoral School of Demography and Adjunct Professor at Lumsa University, Pontifical Gregorian University, and Sapienza University. Her research interests include reproductive decision-making, family, fertility, environmental change, social sustainability, life course analysis, and panel/multilevel data analysis.
Among others, her research findings have been published in Population and Development Review, European Journal of Population, Demographic Research, Population Research and Policy Review, and Population and Environment.
Fabiano Schivardi is Professor of Economics and Vice-Rector for Research at Luiss as well as Research Fellow at the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF). He is an expert in industrial economics, work, productivity and business dynamics. He won the most prestigious individual European Grant, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) in the field of Social Science and Humanities, with the ISEProD project- Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence.
Andrea è un affermato leader accademico con circa 30 anni di esperienza.
La sua carriera è iniziata all’Università del Sussex (UK), dove si è affermato come studioso di rilievo internazionale (+10k citazioni), pubblicando in prestigiose riviste come Administrative Science Quarterly e Organization Science. Ha ricoperto incarichi in altre accademie internazionali in diversi paesi (Belgio, Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti e Vietnam) e nel mondo dell’industria – es. Gruppo Finmeccanica (ora Leonardo Company).
Come Rettore dell’Università Luiss, Andrea ha guidato iniziative trasformative che hanno portato l’istituzione ai vertici delle classifiche internazionali. Sotto la sua leadership, la Luiss ha raggiunto la Top 20 mondiale in Politics and International Studies (QS Ranking) e i suoi corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Management e Corporate Finance sono entrati nella Top 30 mondiale (FT Ranking). Andrea ha raddoppiato le collaborazioni internazionali, triplicato i programmi di doppia laurea e promosso iniziative educative innovative come il programma ACE (America China Europe) – un triplo BA in Business Administration.
Andrea è un visionario nell’innovazione educativa: ha introdotto il modello educativo ‘enquiry-based’, reclutato professori di prestigio internazionale – la core faculty Luiss ora include studiosi provenienti da oltre 20 paesi – ed attratto studenti e studentesse da più di 100 Paesi. Appassionato sostenitore di una formazione interdisciplinare, internazionale e innovativa, Andrea continua a ispirare e guidare iniziative che plasmano il futuro dell’accademia.