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#LuissMasterClasses – Intersections: Impactful Research
#LuissMasterClasses – Intersections: Impactful Research
  • Maria Chiara Carrozza

    Maria Chiara Carrozza is a former Italian Minister for Education and Research and current President of the National Research Council, the largest public research institution in Italy. She is Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Robotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, where she also coordinates the NeuroRobotics Area in The Biorobotics Institute. She is the Scientific Director of Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, coordinating a network of scientific hospitals performing translational research in the area of Rehabilitation Medicine.

    Maria Chiara Carrozza
  • Andrew (Andy) Hoffman

    Andrew (Andy) Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan; a position that holds joint appointments in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the School for Environment & Sustainability. Professor Hoffman’s research uses organizational behavior models and theories to understand the cultural and institutional aspects of environmental issues for organizations, focusing on the processes by which environmental issues both emerge and evolve as social, political and managerial issues.

    Andrew (Andy) Hoffman