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The Economic Future of Europe
The Economic Future of Europe
  • Andrea Prencipe

    Andrea Prencipe è Rettore dell’Università Luiss Guido Carli.

    Ha ricoperto l’incarico di Prorettore Vicario dell’Ateneo dal 2016 al 2018.

    Professore Ordinario di Organizzazione e Innovazione. Laureato in Economia e Commercio (Università G. d’Annunzio), ha conseguito il Master in Management dell’Innovazione presso la Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa, il Master in Gestione dell’Innovazione Tecnologica e il Ph.D. presso lo SPRU-Università del Sussex. Andrea è stato Visiting Professor presso la Rotterdam School of Management e presso la BI School of Management, Oslo e Honorary Professor presso l’Università del Sussex. Andrea è stato invitato come relatore presso Harvard Business School (Stati Uniti), London Business School (Gran Bretagna), Università del Michigan (US), Università di Oxford (Gran Bretagna), Università di Linköping (Svezia), Cass Business School della City University (Gran Bretagna).

    Andrea ha lavorato presso lo SPRU dell’Università del Sussex, l’INSEAD e l’Università G. d’Annunzio. Andrea svolge attività di ricerca sui temi dell’organizzazione dell’innovazione, organizzazioni project-based, e sulle relazioni tra capitale sociale e processi innovativi. I suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati in riviste accademiche internazionali – es. Administrative Science Quarterly, Industrial and Corporate Change, Organization Science – riviste manageriali – es. California Management Review – e con case editrici nazionali ed internazionali – es. Franco Angeli, Oxford University Press.

    Andrea è Associate Editor del Journal of Management Studies e siede nell’editorial board di Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Economia e Politica Industriale, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Project Management, Long Range Planning, e Research Policy.

    Andrea Prencipe
  • Pierre Moscovici

    Pierre Moscovici is the First President of the French Cour des comptes since June 3rd, 2020. In this capacity, he also chairs the Budgetary and Financial Discipline Court, the High Council of Public Finance and the Council of Mandatory Contributions.

    He holds a postgraduate degree (DEA) in advanced macroeconomics and philosophy and graduated from Sciences Po Paris. He joined the Cour des comptes as a junior audit manager (auditeur) on June 1st, 1984 after graduating from the Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA).

    In May 1988, he was appointed technical advisor to the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sport. In September 1990, he became Head of department for public service modernisation and financial resources at the French Planning Office (Commissariat général du Plan).

    He was then elected as a Member of the European Parliament in July 1994 and, later, as a Member of the French National Assembly for the department of the Doubs (Eastern part of France close to Switzerland) in June 1997. At that time, he was appointed Minister for European Affairs. He then represented the French authorities at the Convention on the Future of Europe.

    He went back to the Court in November 2002, where he became an audit manager (conseiller référendaire) in 2003. He was re-elected Member of the European Parliament in July 2004 and became Vice-President of the European Parliament.

    He was re-elected Member of the French National Assembly for the department of the Doubs in June 2007 and again in June 2012. In particular, he presided over the Urban Area of Montbéliard between 2008 and 2012, when he was appointed Minister of Economy and Finances until 2014.

    He served as European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs from November 2014 to November 2019, before returning to the Court.

    Pierre Moscovici is affiliated professor at Sciences Po Paris and visiting professor at Columbia University in New York and at the College of Europe in Bruges.

    Pierre Moscovici was made a Knight (Chevalier) of the Legion of Honour, the highest French order of merit.

    Pierre Moscovici
  • Veronica De Romanis

    Veronica De Romanis insegna Politica Economica Europea alla Facoltà di Scienze Politiche e al Master di Business Administration della Luiss e alla Stanford University (The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies) a Firenze.

    Dall’aprile 2015, è consigliere indipendente del Consiglio di Amministrazione, Presidente del Comitato Rischi e membro del Comitato Remunerazioni e Nomine della Cementir Holding Spa (Roma).

    Dall’autunno 2017, è Membro del Comitato direttivo dell’Osservatorio Conti Pubblici Italiani presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano diretto dal Prof. Cottarelli, e dal 2019 del Comitato Direttivo dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali.

    È membro del Comitato Direttivo dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali, del Comitato scientifico della Scuola di Servizio Civico, del Comitato Scientifico della “Scuola Politica PolìMiNa per giovani” della Fondazione Salvatore, del Comitato Scientifico Comitato Scientifico Adam Smith Society, dell’Ufficio Studi di Unindustria (Roma Lazio), del Comitato Internazionale dell’International Board di WE Women Empower the World e nel listing di

    Nel luglio 2019, ha ricevuto il Premio Profilo Donna.

    Collabora con diverse testate giornalistiche e riviste su temi di finanza pubblica, integrazione europea, politica economica internazionale, mercato del lavoro con particolare attenzione all’occupazione femminile.

    Veronica De Romanis
  • Mark Thatcher

    Mark Thatcher obtained First Class honours in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Balliol College, Oxford and then qualified as a Barrister in London. After teaching at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, he went to the London School of Economics, where he became full Professor of Comparative and International Politics in 2008. He has also been visiting professor at Sciences Po, Paris and a Fellow of the Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute.

    His research interests lie in comparative public policy and regulation in Europe. At Luiss, he is focused on comparative policies towards cultural heritage. In addition, he works on the governance of markets. He has examined EU competition policy as well as the creation and development of EU agencies and networks.

    Mark Thatcher